So to recap, you’re going to write two notes.

In the first note you say hello and explain the idea, including the timing, destination and preparation.

For example,

Hi Jo,

Happy Birthday!

To receive my gift I’d like you to do make a trip around sunset this Sunday:

  1. Make a flask of that cinnamon tea you love.

  2. Put on the red scarf that Miriam knitted for you.

  3. Take the flask to that bench in Victoria Park (bring your phone too).

When you get there, open the brown envelope.

With love, K x.

In the second note, you give the reflective task and the closing up.

For example,

Are you sitting comfortably? OK, press play on ‘Easy’ by Mesadorm on your phone and take a moment for yourself. I know this year has been super tough at times and I just want you to honour how strong you have been. We love you so much. I’ll be thinking of you right now. When you’re done, send me a text of the tea emoji :-)

You’ll put note 2 in the brown envelope, which goes inside the white envelope along with note 1. Pop it in the post box.


I’d love to hear how this was for you, even if it really didn’t work. Specifically, I’m interested in how easy was it to design the experience and what else would have helped? Of course, if you send it I’m interested to hear how it goes! You can reach me at or 07894320301.